KAUST Workshop for Sustainable Food Security CDA DAY3 PHOTOS-24


The Summit Declarations and Technical Report

The KAUST Sustainable Food Security Summit Declarations was drafted by primary organizers of the Workshop and was presented at the conclusion of the Summit proceedings on Wednesday, 16 March 2022. These declarations are intended to encapsulate the key ideas that were expressed throughout the three days of discussion that took place, providing recommendations on strategies for stakeholders in the KSA food sector that will contribute to realizing sustainable food security in the KSA.

KAUST Sustainable Food Security Summit Declarations

(click on link above)

The KAUST Workshop for Sustainable Food Security Technical Report, comprised of detailed summaries of the presentations and discussions that took place at the Workshop, is a tool for reference to support the statements in the Summit Declarations.

KAUST Workshop for Sustainable Food Security Technical Report

(click on link above)